سورة الكهف
Surah Name: Al-Kahf Meaning: The Cave
The english Tafseer
سورة الكهف
So the twain set forth, until they had to board a boat. The people already on the boat welcomed them with great honour seeing their noble disposition. According to Hadlth they were not even charged the fare out of respect. But Hadhrat Khidhar-AS put his hand on the plank of the boat and cleaved it, while Prophet Musa-AS witnessed the gesture and couldn't resist speaking out. He-AS said sarcastically if this was an act of his Karamah, whereby he-AS did not even, spare the people who had been so courteous to them and had let them on board with such respect. Now if the plank fell apart all those aboard were sure to drown. It was an extremely wrong act to which Prophet Musa-AS protested.
Hadhrat Khidhar-AS said that he-AS had already made it clear that Prophet Musa-AS would not be able to tolerate what he witnessed while accompanying him-AS. So Prophet Musa-AS asked forgiveness that he-AS had forgotten about his-AS promise, and that he-AS be pardoned and allowed to continue the journey. They moved on until they came across a little boy who was playing. Hadhrat Khidhar-AS killed the boy in a super natural manner; as distinct from conventional, lest there is an uproar. This was too much for Prophet Musa-AS to digest. He-AS said that the promise besides, it was not possible to remain quiet over such glaring violation of Shari'ah.
It is obligatory for the religious scholars to check any violation of Shari'ah without any compromise. Prophet Musa-AS protested how he could kill an innocent child without any reason, for the child was not a murderer liable to be killed according to Shari'ah. This was preposterous and extremely intolerable. Hadhrat Khidhar-AS said that he had predicted earlier that Prophet Musa-AS would not be able to be patient over what he-AS would witness for he-AS was the custodian of Shari'ah while the former was not under any such obligation.
So Prophet Musa-AS again requested him-AS to overlook his-AS intrusion and allow him-AS to continue. If he-AS repeated it again, Hadhrat Khidhar-AS would be free to part with him-AS as it was no longer appropriate to be apologetic every time.
Aulia' Are Bound To Follow Shari'ah
The wrong doings of anyone cannot be assumed as being based on Kashf. The Aulia’ are bound to follow Shari'ah as long as they are alive. What they do after they pass away is not known to common man
Prophet Musa-AS and Hadhrat Khidhar-AS once again set out and passed by a town. They felt hungry, but none of the residents was hospitable to offer food. There they spotted a wall of a house about to collapse. Hadhrat Khidhar-AS miraculously repaired it. Prophet Musa-AS again intervened saying why he-AS had to manifest his-AS Karamah by mending the wall without any wages while they were so much in need of provisions. Hadhrat Khidhar-AS said that it was the time for them to part their ways, but he would not let the Prophet-AS go without letting him-AS know the reality of what he had witnessed and found so strange.
“First of all about the boat: it belonged to some very poor people and was their sole source of livelihood. But the direction they were heading towards that day was a place ruled by a tyrant who had ordered all boats to be confiscated. So I damaged it lest the officials of the king confiscate it, sparing them a greater loss. As for the child, he was the son of an extremely noble and God-fearing couple, but was of evil disposition. It may be the result of any sin committed by the parents, or the intake of forbidden food etc. But Allaah-SWT spared them the trouble for if the boy had grown older, he would have not only progressed in his evil temperament but also would have been a source of spreading disbelief and evil. So Allaah-SWT decided to bless them with a pious and loving progeny in his place. As for the wall, it was the property of two orphans. Beneath it lay buried an heritage from their father, who was a very noble man. So Allaah-SWT intended to safeguard the treasure until the children grow up and discover it themselves. All these were Divine plans and there was nothing I did on my own”. This is a world of cause and effect. It is Allah-SWT's way that behind every effect there is a cause. Allaah-SWT made him the cause behind all these affairs, he added.
Children benefit from the nobility of their parents, both in the worldly, as well as eternal sense, and it is purely from Allaah-SWT . Therefore, the children of learned scholars, accomplished saints and noble persons must be respected and accommodated. These were the circumstances attending the three events to which Prophet Musa-AS could not reconcile and display patience.